Nagla is a small Village/hamlet in Khatima Tehsil in Udam Singh Nagar District of Uttarakhand State, India. It comes under Nagla Panchayath. It is located 64 KM towards East from District head quarters Rudrapur.
The best time to visit October to April.
By Air
The nearest airport Pantnagar.
By Train
The nearest Railway Station Khatima.
Shopping in Nagla is an absolute delight. After a day of some fine sightseeing and other activities, it’s but natural to indulge in a little bit of shopping. Explore the shops and the markets of Nagla to find the most famous of its offerings. Buy souvenirs and other gifts for yourself and your friends and families – after all shopping in Nagla means splurging a little bit! Shopping in Nagla is the most important activities among the tourists
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