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Maletha is a village panchayat located in the Tehri Garhwal district of Uttarakhand state,India. It is located 75 KM towards East from District head quarters Tehri. 2 KM from Kirtinagar. Madho singh Bhandari was a brave man born in a well known family in Maletha village in 1595. His father Sonban Kalo Bhandari, who was a great warrior got an estate in Garhwal region from the King of Garhwal. It was Madho Singh who drew the international boundary between India and Tibet which is presently known as the Mac- Mohan line.

Maletha is small but famous village near Srinagar. A well known historic place in Uttarakhand, Maletha is known for the bravery of Madho Singh Bhandari. The village is situated at 5 kms from Srinagar town on Devprayag Road.

Best Time To Visit

The best time to visit October to May.

How To Reach

By Air

Nearest airport is at Jollygrant Dehradun (116 kms).

By Train

Nearest railway station at Rishikesh (96 kms).


Shopping in Maletha is an absolute delight. After a day of some fine sightseeing and other activities, it’s but natural to indulge in a little bit of shopping. Explore the shops and the markets of Maletha to find the most famous of its offerings. Buy souvenirs and other gifts for yourself and your friends and families – after all shopping in Malet

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