Neem Ka Thana is a tehsil of Sikar district in the Rajasthan state of India. It is one of the six tehsils of the district. It belongs to Jaipur Division. It is located 73 KM towards East from District head quarters Sikar. It is a Tehsil head quarter.
Ganeshwar & Baleswar both 15 km. away from Neem ka Thana on different roads and 80 km. from Sikar via Udaipurwati. Ganeshwar is a pilgrimage as well as a salubrious Picnic spot. The hot sulphur springs here is a major draw. A dip in the spring, it is believed, cures skin diseases. It is an ancient site. Excavations in the Ganeshwar areas have revealed the remains of a 4000 years old civilizations. Close by is Baleshwar, yet another worth visiting site, ponds and old Shiva temple is there
The best time to visit October to March.
By Air
Nearest airport is Sanganeer Airport.
Neem ka Thana - 95 km away
By Train
Neem Ka Thana is well connected to other major cities of the country via regular trains.
Shopping in Neem Ka Thana is an absolute delight. After a day of some fine sightseeing and other activities, it’s but natural to indulge in a little bit of shopping. Explore the shops and the markets of Neem Ka Thana to find the most famous of its offerings. Buy souvenirs and other gifts for yourself and your friends and families – after all shopping in