Accord Puducherry Hotel provides a most conducive spot for you to take a break from your busy days. The city center is merely 1.00 Km away and the airport can be reached within 180 minutes. For sightseeing options and local attractions, one need not look far as the hotel enjoys close proximity to Botanical Gardens, Pondicherry Botanical Gardens, La Casita House of Latin American Arts & Culture.
Accord Puducherry Hotel offers impeccable service and all the essential amenities to invigorate travelers. The hotel offers access to a vast array of services, including free Wi-Fi in all rooms, 24-hour security, daily housekeeping, printer, taxi service.
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Total Score 8.00
December 25, 2016
+Nice Hotel,best Services
Ans. Prices may change according to your stay (such as dates, hotel policies, etc.). Check your dates for accurate costs.
Ans. Check-in time is 12:00 PM and check-out is 10:00 AM.